Natural & Safe
Steam Method Preparation
This method is a good option for mothers who are typically high-energy or who have experienced manic feelings in the past. It is not recommended for mothers looking for a postpartum energy boost. Because steaming kills off bacteria, mothers who are GBS+ or whose placenta had meconium staining, often choose this method. Also, those who are very sensitive to hormones, may want to choose this method as mothers have reported it is gentler than the Raw Method of preparation.
Raw Method Preparation
This process begins by gently rinsing the placenta. It is then sliced thin and dehydrated, ground into powder, and then put into capsules. This method typically yields 20% more pills than Steam Method processing. Those who follow a raw food diet claim that heat destroys important enzymes, proteins, and hormones. The RAW METHOD preserves more of the placenta’s hormones and volume, and mothers often report a distinct energy boost and improved mood after taking the capsules. This is a good option for mothers who’ve experienced postpartum hemorrhage or heavy bleeding, who are seeking to increase breastmilk production, or who desire increased energy after birth. This method is not recommended for mothers who are naturally high-energy or prone to anxiety.
Placenta Prints
Using your own placenta, a print is made on watercolor paper for a beautiful display of art. Like your fingerprints, there is only one placenta created to nourish your baby and this is the way to preserve it forever!
Placenta Tinctures
Pieces of your placenta, amniotic sac, cord, and cord blood, are placed in a amber bottle filled with organic vodka to preserve the best of what your placenta has to offer. Every few days it is gently swirled and has positive, life-giving words spoken over it. After 6 weeks, the tincture is strained and ready to use! Tinctures have an indefinite shelf life, so you can keep your tinctures for long term use such as: your own menstrual cycle, menopause, and if you have a daughter it can be saved to use during her own menstrual cycles. ​​

Raw or Steam Method
(*$50 discount is given to those whose births I am attending as doula or as a midwife assistant.)
Raw method is not recommended for those sensitive to caffeine or having thyroid issues. This method may be too stimulating for such women.
2 oz. Bottle
Highly recommended add-on!
Available as a single purchase for an alternative to those who do not wish to consume their placenta in capsule form. Discounts given if you want to purchase more than one tincture.
1 - $25, 2 - $40, 3 - $55, 4 - $70
Prints & Cords
$10 Cord Keepsake
$20 Placenta Print
Cords can be shaped in various shapes, if you have a preference please let me know.
Placenta prints can be naturally colored using blood from the placenta, or food safe coloring can be used if you are wanting a custom look.
FREE delivery of finished placenta products within a 35 mile radius of Ripon, WI (or if I (Kristin) am attending your postpartum appointment as a midwifery student).
$30 charge for time and mileage to deliver to your home or hospital for miles 35-70.
$50 charge for time and mileage to deliver to your home or hospital for miles 70-100.
*Have a friend or family member meet me somewhere to help avoid this fee*